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From Messy Garage To Enviable Workspace Part 2

This is Part 2 of our previous post, From Messy Garage to Enviable Workspace: Part `. This final part contains more ideas on how to make the most out of your garage. To see how to prepare yourself and your garage for the makeover and some ideas on what you can do, see Part 1.Now that we have already covered the preparation process for the ultimate garage workshop makeover, we can start gathering a few ideas for it.
1. Consider painting your floor
Do you have a concrete floor? If yes, it could be a good idea to use an epoxy finish on it, some other form of coating system, or tiles. Concrete is porous and easily absorbs oil, paint stains, and other spills. They can also absorb lots of dust and dirt, so in order to make your workspace cleaner and healthier, covering your concrete floor is a must.
If you want to do something to your floor but don’t feel like painting it, you could check out rubber floor mats, which are temporary and easy to install and remove.
2. Use your walls wisely
Upgrading to a wall-mounted, adjustable shelving system will allow you to store as many tools and items as you can without using valuable table or floor space. They will also be easy for you to reach and find. You can always add more shelves in the future or change its alignment easily if you wish.
Another idea could be to add a layer of plywood onto the wall, to give you an easy surface where you can store items, mount storage easily, and arrange items in an efficient way.
3. Use vertical and ceiling space
Start hanging stuff from the ceiling or walls! Things like bikes, wheelbarrows, and ladders are perfect for hanging. Using the ceiling will keep all bulky items from the floor. You can use screw hooks as latches.
You also can create a ceiling storage system by installing storage bins or totes from the ceiling.
4. High shelves and cabinets
Only the things you use the most often should be within easy reach; for all the other items, tools, and gear you don’t use that often - such as camping or swimming pool equipment - consider placing them in high storage spaces, such as deep, high shelves or cabinets.
5. Be smart with your workbench
The workbench is probably one of the most important elements of every workshop. Whether you buy it or build it yourself, you need to be smart about it. It should be strong and able to hold a certain weight, without getting damaged or knocked over. The top should be durable and from a resistant material.
If your workbench is taking up most of the space in the garage, a good idea is to build a fold-down workbench that you can easily put away when you need to. You can easily build one with a solid-core door, hinges, threaded pipes, flanges, and screws.
If you want to build your own workbench but decide not to go for the fold-down model, a good idea is to always add wheels to it, so you can easily roll it to wherever in the garage you want with minimum effort, especially if you need more space to park the car.
6. Use wheels
Space is valuable, so you should not only install wheels on your workbench but also for every storage area in your garage! Put wheels on floor cabinets, tool chests, furniture, dollies, etc. Items or boxes on wheels can easily be moved around and put back in their place when you’re done with the job.
7. Get more power outlets
Chances are, for your workspace to be successful you’re going to need more power outlets than just the ones the garage comes with (which are usually not very many). You can run extra outlets on every wall, or near the tools or areas you’ll be working from.
Using too many extension cords across your garage floor is not safe, not only because you can trip over, but also from an electrical safety point of view. You can never have too many power points – for the tools, a radio, lighting, printers, computers, phone chargers, TV, heaters, etc. – so get in touch with an electrician to give you a hand with this.
8. Toolbox
You need your tools to be in excellent condition if you want your work to be a pleasant experience and the results top quality. To protect them, we recommend you get a high quality tool chest that you can also lock for security. If you’re buying second hand, be sure to check for any possible rust on the toolbox.
If you don’t feel like getting the toolbox, or don’t have as many tools to justify one, installing a pegboard on the wall could be an alternative to storing your tools, especially the ones you need to access quickly. You can even use nails to hang your tools from.
9. Organise the small parts
Even though it can be annoying, keeping your garage and garage floor free of nails and screws is a big improvement, as it would make a safer workplace and it will keep things organised. Glass jars are perfect for storing all the small bits, such as nails, screws, washers, bolts, hodgepodge nails, etc. You’ll also be able to easily see what’s inside and access what you’re after.
10. Get an outdoor cabinet
Space is of the essence, and the garage doesn’t have to be the place where you put all the things you don’t want people to see. If you have a garden area, consider placing all the garden or pool gear on a little outdoor cabinet. You can get one or build it yourself.
Interested in other ideas for your Garage? How about brewing your own beer at home!
Ever considered brewing your own beer? If your answer is yes, then you’re in the right place. All you need to start your own homebrew is a little bit of passion, a few ingredients, some equipment (including a location!) and of course, a love of beer.
With this article you will learn the different brewing methods, some tips and tricks to refine the skill, and a few recipes to get you started. Whether you want to perfect the art of all grain brewing, learn the steps of extract brewing or try out the all Australian “brew in a bag” technique, there’s a different homebrew method to suit all levels of enthusiasts.
Not only does homebrewing save you money, but it’s also a lot of fun. At the end of it you’ll hopefully have a delicious and unique beer that you can call your very own!